Factors effecting behaviors of pesticide use by monkey apple growing farmers in Phon Sub-district, Khammuang District, Kalasin Province


  • Watcharawut Setchan


Effecting factors, pesticide use behaviors, monkey apple growing farmers


The research is cross-sectional analytic research. The purpose of this research was to study the related between predisposing factors, enabling factors and reinforcing factors with the behavior of pesticide use. Research was to study the predisposing factors, enabling factors and reinforcing factors which has factors effect on behaviors of pesticide use by monkey apple growing farmers in Phon sub-district, Khammuang district, Kalasin province. The samples by the average formula were 279 with cluster random sampling. The research instrument was the questionnaire. The statistics was descriptive statistics include number, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis: stepwise method.

              The research found that the relationship between predisposing factors and pesticide use behaviors found that education (lower secondary school), The time to use pesticide (duration 1-5 years) and frequency of exposure to pesticide (touch 1-2 days/week) was found to be significantly (p<0.05). The enabling factors, access to training (knowledge) was no the relations (p>0.05). The average monthly household income (over 15,000 baht) was statistically significant (p<0.05). The attitude and motivation was statistically significant (p<0.001). The factors effect on behaviors of pesticide use by monkey apple growing farmers. Three predictive variables that predicted pesticide use behavior were attitude, motivation, and household income averaged over 15,000 baht per month. The coefficient of prediction was 73.9 (R2adj. = 0.739). The raw score and standard score are as follows Y = 1.191 + 0.524(A) + 0.218(S) + 0.058(I) and Z = 0.588(A) + 0.319(S) + 0.064(I) respectively.

                             In conclusion, the attitude, motivation and income of monkey apple growing farmers should be emphasized. From the preparation stage before planting intercropping and the post-transplant stage. To educate farmers on self-protection from the use of pesticides. The correct use of pesticides and a stable income from planting monkey apple that is another area to continue.


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How to Cite

Setchan, W. . (2019). Factors effecting behaviors of pesticide use by monkey apple growing farmers in Phon Sub-district, Khammuang District, Kalasin Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 78–88. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/240314

