The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification with 3 Self Health and Social Support on Health Behaviors of Hypertensive Patients, the 50 Pansa Mahavajiralongkorn Hospital


  • Napaporn Whankaw
  • On-Anong Bureelerd
  • Chaunchai Chuasathuchon


Hypertension, 3-self health behavior modification program, social support


This experimental research (Quasi-Experimental Research) comprises 2 comparison groups testes twice (Two Group Pretest-Posttest Design); it applies the 3 Self Mental Behavior Changing Program, with social support. The subjects ,50 individuals, were divided in 2 groups by employing Cohen Power Analysis;25 subjects in the experimental group and 25 in the control group. The tools employed in the research are The 3 Self Mental Behavior Changing Program with social support and a questionnaire with a 0.80-0.94 confidence rate. The statistics used in the information analysis are: percentage, average, standard deviation and Independent t-test.

            The research findings were as follows: (1) The hypertension patients associated 3-self health behavior modification program together with social support intellectual of behavioral health 3, 2S. and patients receiving normal services of food consumption, emotional and exercise were good level, No smoking and no alcohol.       (2) The hypertension patients under the 3 Self Mental Behavior Changing program with social support have a better knowledge on HBP, acknowledge their own potential, have self- control to prevent hypertension than before the experiment, and have a higher knowledge than the patients who receive regular treatment. and
(3) The hypertension patients under the 3 Self Mental Behavior Changing Program with social support have a more reduced blood pressure than before the experiment and a more decreased blood pressure than the HBP patients under regular treatment.


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How to Cite

Whankaw, N. ., Bureelerd, O.-A. ., & Chuasathuchon, C. . (2019). The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification with 3 Self Health and Social Support on Health Behaviors of Hypertensive Patients, the 50 Pansa Mahavajiralongkorn Hospital. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 98–110. Retrieved from

