Study of medicinal plants utilization in the community of Tambon Kho-ae, Amphoe Khueang Nai, Ubon Ratchathani
Herb, wisdom, communityAbstract
This research aims to explore the medicinal plants and their utilization in the community of Tambon Kho-ae. The survey of medicinal plants was worked together with folk doctors in the community. The study on use of herbs using questionnaires and in-depth interviews with the population of 120 people who have been living in ban Koh, ban Ae, ban Pup, and ban Yang-noi. Most respondents were between 51-60 years old. The dosage forms of herbs used in this study included fresh herbs, decoctions, ointments, inhalants, and medicinal oils, respectively. On the survey of 4 villages, 138 herbs were found. The botanical structures and scientific names were examined, including therapeutic properties obtained the information from users, folk doctors and documental references. The result indicated that the community have taken advantage of the herbs in primary health cares, as the folk doctors helped to guide. Therefore, folk wisdoms of using herbs in the treatment of diseases should be promoted continuously, especially to new generation to know the use of Thai herbs. It is together with the establishment of herbal database as a guide to other people for the information to take care of their own health, and to reduce the burden on medical personnel and government expenditures.
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