Development model for research and innovationcapacity building in routine-work, Warinchamrab Hospital,Ubon Ratchathani Province


  • Thinanpath Ruamtham
  • Songkramchai Leethongdee
  • Mereerat Manwong


development model, Research and innovation


This action research aimed to development model for research and innovation capacity building in Routine work, Warinchamrab Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province. Target group is nursing personnel who working in hospitals for 140 people. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by questionnaires, interviews and focus group. Quantitative data analyzed the descriptive statistics; frequency distribution, percentage, mean, minimum, maximum and standard deviation and qualitative data analyzed by content analysis. Results: the model developments were comprised of 6 steps 1) to study context explore problem and collect the data 2) meeting to appoint a working group/team for research 3) action plan formulation 4) compliance with the plan by organizing training activities to provide practical knowledge 5) observation of activities performed 6) evaluate and remove lessons. This process resulted in the target group has changed their knowledge and motivation in the research and innovation skills. Additionally, the results of the evaluation of research and innovation development competencies of the target group have increasing changed with significantly. This model implementation may be called the “LINK model”. That was deployed with uniqueness of learning and innovation aspects by creating network and knowledge management techniques. In summary, the key success factors in this research were divided in a systematic arrangement and sustain with continuous knowledge management among multi professional groups as prolong their collaborative in research and innovation activities in the organization.


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How to Cite

Ruamtham, T. ., Leethongdee, . S. ., & Manwong, M. (2019). Development model for research and innovationcapacity building in routine-work, Warinchamrab Hospital,Ubon Ratchathani Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 8(2), 186–194. Retrieved from

