Premature Sex Protection Behavior of High School Student in Kantralak District Municipality’s Area, Sisaket Province


  • Wiraya Boonrin
  • Kawitthrarin Khanaphan


Behavior, premature sex, high school


Cross-sectional descriptive research its objectives are to study preventive behaviors of premature sexual intercourse and study leading factors, facilitating factors and supplementary factors of upper secondary school students. Case study: in the municipality of Kantharalak District Sisaket Province. Data were collected by using questionnaires from a sample of high school students. Case study: in the municipality of Kantharalak District Sisaket province, 324 people were randomly selected. by dividing layers and drawing lots. The researchers analyzed the data by applying descriptive statistics such as percentage, average and standard deviation.

The results showed that most sample students were female 64.51%, age 16 years old 34.57% and students were studying in grade 4 34.57%. Leading factors found that most students had knowledge about preventing premature sex at a moderate level. Accounting for 58.64%, followed by the knowledge at a high level Accounted for 23.15% and had a low level of knowledge which accounted for 18.21%, respectively. There are 2 supporting factors which are information perception and receiving counseling from various people in the high level. When considering each item, it was found that news perception and counseling from people at a high level were 88.89% and news perception from people at a high level. Representing 83.33%. Additional factors were found that receiving support from parents, friends, health personnel. Overall is at a high level. When considered individually, it was found that 80.00% received support from parents, friends, and public health personnel. Premature sexual intercourse prevention behavior of students, it was found that preterm sexual behavior prevention behavior Overall is at a high level. Accounting for 66.67%.

The results of this study can be used as basic information in finding ways to prevent premature sex of high school students. In the municipality of Kantharalak District Sisaket Province To provide basic information in providing knowledge about preventing premature sex, Providing information and counseling to students and families to prevent premature pregnancy. Family institution and educational institutions play an important role in instilling correct values promote a positive attitude about sex. And providing knowledge in preventing premature sex in adolescents.


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How to Cite

Boonrin, W. ., & Khanaphan, K. (2020). Premature Sex Protection Behavior of High School Student in Kantralak District Municipality’s Area, Sisaket Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(2), 114–124. Retrieved from

