The development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province


  • Tanaprat Thuksin Community Health, Sisaket Rajabhat University
  • Tanapat Sriwarom Local Politics and Governments, Chalermkarnchana University


health promoting by participation, health impact management, secondhand smoke, Non-Smokers’ Health Protection


These development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community. Enhancing smoking-free community by participatory in community to investigate solution and development a form of policy guideline and strategic action plan to promotion health and protection health for helping non smoker and reduced health risks from secondhand smoke in community and development smoking-free community by participatory. This Action Research was aimed to study model development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community. The Scope of study consisted 3 phase and using action PAOR Spiral cycle in 6 weeks. The subject of the study is consisted of 45 persons and obtained using the purposive sampling technique. The research tools used a questionnaire and obtained using a structured interview questions by Action planning Method. The collected data were analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviations, paired samples T-test and using a content Analysis from an interview.

                             The research revealed that findings after development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community in terms of knowledge, attitude, behavior, satisfaction and participation were statistically significant at p < 0.05.

                             In conclusion, the development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community. Showed the succeeded factors and reduction of health risks from secondhand smoke in community by strategic action plan and a policy guideline from implementation and Participation by stakeholder. The research also showed improvement of knowledge, attitude, behavior, satisfaction and participation after participative management in smoking-free community policy campaign. The samples are already on the responded positively to of State Laws enforcement the Non-Smokers’ Health Protection Act, B.E. 2535. However, Finally success factors are from participation actually in solutions to awareness health risks from secondhand smoke and set barrier between a smoker and non smoker by smoking areas.

Author Biography

Tanaprat Thuksin, Community Health, Sisaket Rajabhat University

Education :

Bachelor of Public Health (B.PH) Faculty of Public Health. Mahasarakham University.

Master of Public Health (M.PH) Major: Health system management. Faculty of Public Health. Mahasarakham University.

Doctor of Public Health (Dr.PH)  Faculty of Public Health. Mahasarakham University. (Currently studying)

currently work :

A lecturer of Community Health, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Sisaket Rajabhat University.



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How to Cite

Thuksin, T., & Sriwarom, T. . (2021). The development model of participative health promoting for health impact management at health risks from secondhand smoke in community Kanthararom District, Sisaket Province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(1), 46–59. Retrieved from

