Factors associated with tuberculosis infection among household contacts living with tuberculosis patients: literature review


  • Napeesoh Maseng นิสิตหลักสูตรสาธารณสุขศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต คณะวิทยาการสุขภาพและการกีฬา มหาวิทยาลัยทักษิณ
  • Somkiattiyos Woradet Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University
  • Bhunyabhadh Chaimay Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Thaksin University


Tuberculosis infection, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Household contacts


Tuberculosis is an important major health problem and causes of death among people worldwide. In 2019, the World Health Organization reported that Thailand was ranked at one of fourteen countries that had a high burden country of tuberculosis. Household contacts living with tuberculosis patients have a higher risk of tuberculosis infection and greater than the general population. The purpose of this article aimed to review factors associated with tuberculosis infection among household contacts living with tuberculosis patients. The research articles were reviewed in both national and international databases. The results of this review presented using forest plot, odds ratio (OR), and 95% percent confidence interval (95%CI). The review showed that factors associated with tuberculosis infection among household contacts with tuberculosis patients were followed; 1) patients’ factors consisted of sex, cough, level of positive sputum culture, a lesion lung and delay of treatment; 2) household contacts’ factors consisted of personal factors among household contacts (age, sex, underlying diseases, receiving BCG and relationship with patients), contacts’ factors (being closed contact and duration of contact), environmental factors (characteristic of housing and housing environment); and health behavior among household contacts (smoking, splitting, perceived risk, and self-care behavior). Thus health professionals should provide the importance of knowledge related to tuberculosis prevention among households contacted including improvement of internal and external housing environment, follow-up, and surveillance in all household contacts. In addition, those factors should be concerned with surveillance among household contacts with tuberculosis patients.


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How to Cite

Maseng, N. ., Woradet, S. ., & Chaimay, B. . (2020). Factors associated with tuberculosis infection among household contacts living with tuberculosis patients: literature review. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 9(2), 32–46. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/242229

