Effects of ACLS simulation-based learning program to knowledge and skill for nurses in Kosumphisai Hospital, Mahasarakham province


  • Phannee Sripara Kosumphisai Hospital, Mahasarakham Province


advance cardiac life support, knowledge and skill, simulation-based learning


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of ACLS simulation-based learning program to knowledge and skill for nurses in Kosumphisai hospital, Maha Srakham province. The program consists of 4 hours comprising1-hr. lecturing about CPR guideline 2015,1-hr. lecturing about ECG and 2- hrs. training ACLS simulation-based learning for 70 persons by using simple random sampling. A test for nurses’ ACLS knowledge and an evaluation form for nurses’ ACLS skills were used for collecting data. Descriptive analysis and Paired t-test statistics were used for data analysis.

                        The study found that averaged age of participants is 34.23 years old (S.D. = 9.26), averaged working experience is 11.41 years (S.D. = 9.25), and most of participants worked in emergency room. The level of Nurses’ ACLS knowledge and skills after training and 3-months later were significantly improve (P-value <0.001), 3-months later, the level of Nurses’ ACLS knowledge was not significantly reduced (P-value =0.6), but the level of Nurses’ ACLS skills was significantly reduced (P-value =0.004).

                        This study suggests the level of ACLS knowledge and skills after training and 3-months later were significantly improve, ACLS skills was not retained at post training tested until the 3-month check, albeit knowledge had persisted, Nurses’ ACLS skills should be practiced every three months


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How to Cite

Sripara, P. . . (2021). Effects of ACLS simulation-based learning program to knowledge and skill for nurses in Kosumphisai Hospital, Mahasarakham province. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(1), 26–35. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/243134

