Supporting nursing students’ reflection skills by the use of reflective journal in the subject of internship


  • Suda Thongsapaya Faculty of nursing Buriram Western University
  • Unchalee Hemchayat Nursing Faculty, Shinawatra University


Reflection skills, reflective journal, practice nursing


The research aimed study the supporting nursing students’ reflection skills by the use of reflective journal in the subject of Internship. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research. The participant in this study was selected by purposive sampling technique. The samples used in the study were 55 senior nursing students who were practicing in the subject of Internship at hospital central in Northern east region. Data were collect by the use of reflective Journal and analyzed by content analysis, thematic analysis, shift to numeric data and Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

The results indicated that after intervention. The experimental group had significantly higher level of reflection skills (p < .001) than before receiving the intervention.

The most importance of supporting students to reflection Skills. The teachers must preparation the team well for reduces confusion students’ reflection thinking.



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How to Cite

Thongsapaya, S. ., & Hemchayat , U. . (2021). Supporting nursing students’ reflection skills by the use of reflective journal in the subject of internship. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(2), 36–44. retrieved from

