Factors related to consumption behavior of weight loss diet products of third year students community health a university in the north


  • Natnicha Pinchurai Bachelor of Public health
  • Kanokwan Naksawek Bachelor of Public health
  • Kantika Kulmak Bachelor of Public health
  • Kanyapak Thongwang Bachelor of Public health
  • Kannika Wanpeang Bachelor of Public health
  • Jatupon Mungjiew Bachelor of Public health
  • Matalika Chaiwuong Bachelor of Public health
  • Narong Chaitiang Bachelor of Public health
  • Patipat Vongruang Environmental Health University of Phayao


Weight loss diet products, students, consumption behavior


The Cross-sectional research aimed to study factors related to consumption behavior of Weight Loss Diet Products of third year students community health a university in the north of third year students community health branch A university in the north. The sample consisted of 140 cases. were selected by accidental or convenience sampling. Data were collected by using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test.

The results of the showed that of the women was (85.70%), age 21 year old (74.30%), body mass index (BMI) normal (69.20%), normal circumference (88.60%), Student in Community  Health (93.60%), Buddism (93.60%),Live in a dormitory outside university (75.00%), not underlying disease (94.30%), A sample had knowledge about  the use of weight loss supplements low level (58.60%), attitude about  the use of weight loss supplements moderate level (53.60%) and behaviors about the use of weight loss supplements low level (46.43%). The analysis of the relationships found that age, income, education plan and knowledge were significantly related to behaviors at p-value ≤ 0.05. however, gender, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, religion, place of residence, congenital disease and attitudes were not related to behavior of Weight Loss Diet Products.

In conclusion, most consumers have low levels of consumption behavior of dietary supplements, with age, income, study plan and knowledge as factors related to consumption behavior of dietary supplements. Therefore, students should eat properly. Principles of nutrition Exercise regularly to promote health and reduce the consumption of weight loss supplements.


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How to Cite

Pinchurai, N. . ., Naksawek, K. ., Kulmak, K. ., Thongwang, K., Wanpeang, K. ., Mungjiew, J. ., Chaiwuong, M. ., Chaitiang, N. . ., & Vongruang, P. . (2021). Factors related to consumption behavior of weight loss diet products of third year students community health a university in the north. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(2), 65–74. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/246256

