A survey of solid waste composition from three types of Buddhist Temples


  • Anuchit Nangam (Atangtayatangto) Program in Environmental Administration and Management, Faculty of Environmental and Resource Studies, Mahasakham University
  • Sunantha Laowansiri Department of Sustainable Environmental Management, Faculty of Environmental and Resource Studies, Mahasakham University


Survey, solid waste guidelines, temples, solid waste composition


This research aimed to conduct a survey of investigating waste generation rate, bulk density and solid waste composition in three types of Buddhist temples, in order to propose an appropriate solid waste management guideline for monasteries. Three types of temples in Khon Kaen Province had been selected from different areas. These included the royal monastery (Sri Chan temple), private monastery (Ming Pho Wanaram temple) and house of priests (Pa Rattanaram temple), respectively. Data including unit waste generation rate, bulk density and solid waste composition were collected for seven days consecutively in a month for analyzed three times and the same data collection process were conducted repeatedly for three months in total from three temples. These data collections were analyzed and solid waste management guidelines were proposed.

            It was found that Sri Chan temple showed the highest average rate of generated solid waste (valued 0.011 kg/m2-day) followed by Ming Pho Wanaram temple (valued 0.004 kg/m2-day) and Pha Rattanaram temple (valued 0.001 kg/m2-day), respectively. The highest average bulk density of 0.125 kg/L was found at Sri Chan temple followed by Ming Pho Wanaram temple and Pa Rattanaram temple with the value of 0.087 and 0.080 kg/L, respectively. Sri Chan temple had the maximum proportion of generated solid waste compositions including food wastes, vegetable wastes and fruit wastes. These findings shown were more than those found from Ming Pho Wanaram temple and  Pa Rattanaram temple. These results also caused Sri Chan temple having the highest bulk density of solid waste. The solid waste composition of three types Buddhist temples showed the highest garbage (food waste, vegetable waste and fruit waste) of solid waste. Sri Chan temple having the highest garbage of solid waste composition accounted for 40.56%. This figure was followed by 30.61% from Pa Rattanaram temple and by 19.84% from Ming Pho Wanaram temple, respectively. Based on the results of this study, the recommendations of solid waste management were proposed. Wastes should be classified into four groups including degradable wastes, recycled waste, hazardous wastes and general wastes. These different types of wastes should have its own garbage bin colored differently including green, yellow, orange and blue, respectively. The measures of solid waste management should have three important steps including reducing sources of wastes from its original places, from middle sources of waste process and from its final destination. 


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How to Cite

Nangam (Atangtayatangto) , A. ., & Laowansiri, S. (2021). A survey of solid waste composition from three types of Buddhist Temples. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 10(2), 108–117. retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubruphjou/article/view/248772

