The self-development to increase the performance of public health personnel in the Champasak Provincial Health Office in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR)
Self-development, practical skill, potential of public health personnelAbstract
This research aimed to self-development for developing operational skills by enhancing the potential of public health personnel in the Health Office of Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic. This research is action research. The study was divided into 3 phases: phase 1, preparatory phase, with contextual studies of problematic conditions related to skills, abilities, and techniques for how to perform tasks in the self-employed departments of health workers. Phase 2: Implementation of the PDCA process and phase 3: Evaluation phase of self-development studies to increase the operational potential of health workers, including finding problems by studying the context of problem conditions in Phase 1, assessing cognition and understanding of work in their own departments of health workers. Assessment of attitudes related to workload and actual workforce, and assessment of skills, capabilities and techniques related to work in their departments. The study was conducted among healthcare workers in six departments related to health services, including employee establishment and public health education. Rehabilitation Department, Health and Health Promotion Department The sample consisted of two parts: 1. A sample of 15 qualitatively informed people consisted of: 5 senior executives of Champasak Public Health Office, head and representative of the department, including 10 people, 2. In terms of having cognitive training activities, including skills related to the department, 43 people analyzed data by frequency distribution. Percentage, average, standard deviation and paired t-test statistics at P-value <0.05
The results showed that in Phase 1, health workers in Champasak District Public Health Office lack the higher expertise and need to provide health services, and there is also a need to improve themselves in both training and higher education. In phase 2, the Lao People's Democratic Republic lacks human resources in public health. Despite the government's policy of supporting further education and good networking relationships with Thailand in order to gain the opportunity to study in Thailand, health workers are scarce. It has not yet produced enough personnel to take care of the health of the people of the country. Therefore, it accelerates the development of the potential of health workers by providing increased training and rewards to stimulate the motivation for the self-improvement of the workforce. And in phase 3, The results of the study revealed that from the study, the model was developed for the development of operational skills by enhancing the potential of public health personnel in the Health Office of Champasak Province. It was found that Laos has nursing education and public health service systems are being developed, guidelines for teaching and learning. The sample group had a high level of knowledge and understanding related to work in their department and attitudes concerning workload and actual operations related to their department's work after participating in the activities at high level (Mean=23.43 ; S.D.= 2.84), which increased from before participating in activities It was statistically significant at P-value <0.05.
Therefore, the system should be developed for the development of operational skills by enhancing the potential of public health personnel in the Health Office of Champasak Province, on an ongoing basis and should monitor and report the results of attendance, seminars or further education of personnel in order to achieve effective development results.
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