Knowledge, attitude, preventing and self-care behaviors from exercise or sports injuries in undergraduate students of Uttaradit Rajabhat University
Knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, preventing and self-care from exercise and sports injuries, undergraduate studentsAbstract
The cross-sectional descriptive research aimed to study knowledge, attitudes, preventing and self-care behaviors from exercise or sports injuries. Sample size was made up of 393 undergraduate students of Uttaradit Rajabhat University who studied 1-4 level in the 2/2020 semester and were between the ages of 18-23. Data collecting was performed by accidentally sampling. An instrument for collecting data was questionnaire. It comprised of 4 parts including; general characteristics of students (part I), knowledge (part II), attitude (part III), and behavior (part IV) about injury prevention and self-care behavior from exercise or sports injuries. Data analysis was analyzed by using descriptive statistics (number, percentage, mean and standard deviation).
Results revealed that most of students were male (55.70%). The mean age was 20.83 ±2.17 years and most of them were studying in fourth year (36.90%). Almost half of students were affiliated with the faculty of Science and Technology (49.60%). In the current study, about 92.10% of student had never injuries from sports or exercise. Most of the students had knowledge in moderate level (63.40%) following by a good level (31.60%) and had a low level only 5.00%. For Attitude, most of the students had a good level of attitude (78.10%) followed by a moderate level (21.90%). More than half of participants had high a level of preventing and self-care behavior from exercise or sports injuries (57.50%) followed by a moderate level of behavior (42.50%).
The benefits of this study, university or related departments involved of student affairs could be used as information to design activities or projects related to exercise or sports injury prevention for students in the future.
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