Development of process community on originality religious ceremony and funeral ceremony to reduce alcohol consumption in Tumbon Nongor, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani


  • Purin Junkoses Master of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Terdsak Promarak Faculty of Public Health, Mahasarakham University
  • Wirote Semrum Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Public Health Office


Model village, Funerals-mourning activities, District Health Constitution


An increase in alcohol consumption could lead to health and social impacts such as crime, family violence, and increase the burden of family expenses. This action research aimed at studying the process of developing a Village Model for Funerals, Mourning, Alcohol-free Consumption Community Management, Nong Or Sub-district, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani Province. A total of 249 samples consisted of 169 household representatives among 8 villages in Nong Or Sub-district, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thanee Province, and 80 community leaders. The study was conducted between July 2021 and April 2022. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as wilcoxon signed ranks test. Qualitative data ware analyzed by content analysis.


              The research results showed that the process of developing a village model for the community's mourning ceremony for alcohol consumption management consisted of 8 steps: 1) visiting the area to communicate with those stakeholders; 2) analyzing the problem conditions together with the stakeholders and make an action plan 3) performing alcohol-free sub-district community project 4) Conducting funerals, mourning, alcohol-free activities, 5) monitoring work, supporting community activities, 6) assessing development results, 7) organizing a learning exchange platform, and 8) conducting lesson learned. The mean scores of Attitudes, Behaviors of alcohol consumption, Roles, Duties and Participation in the development of model villages has increased, were increased from before development, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level (p-value < 0.001). The sub-district health statute arising from the cooperation of the community and network partners “A sub-district model of community’s funerals, mourning, alcohol-free consumption management”. and the development of a village model for funerals, mourning, alcohol-free consumption community is the PURIN Model consisting of P : Policy which means having a clear policy/everyone accepts U : Unite which means sharing to benefit the community R : Relationship is to build good relationship with community and leaders I : Initiative is to initiate new things. Dare to change and N : Network is to create a network that covers all dimensions.


              In summary, the successful factors in the development of a village model for funerals, mourning, alcohol-free consumption community management were ULN: Unity (U):Harmony of community people in thinking, sharing, planning and receiving benefits, Leadership (L): Leadership and role model to effectively and sustainably reduce and eliminate alcohol use in the community, and Network (N) : Strengthened connections Between stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Junkoses, P., Promarak, T. ., & Semrum, W. . (2022). Development of process community on originality religious ceremony and funeral ceremony to reduce alcohol consumption in Tumbon Nongor, Nong Wua So District, Udon Thani. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 11(2), 152–164. Retrieved from

