Factors influencing health behavior among grade 10-12 students in Bangkok
Non-communicable diseases, knowledge, Hypertension, 3-Self Health Behavior Modification Program, Social SupportAbstract
Background: The number of patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes, high blood pressure, ischemic heart disease, stroke, and COPD in Thailand tends to increase each year Non-communicable diseases are caused by lifestyle behaviors that affect long-term health.
Objective: This research aims to study NCDs related knowledge, health behavior and factors affecting health behavior. This study is predictive research grades 10-12 in Bangkok who can access the internet, which number of populations is unknown, 346 sample size was calculated by Cochran formular. Convenient sampling method was used to collected the data. There were 440 voluntary students completed the online survey during 1 March - 6 April 2023. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics, namely Multiple Regression Statistics.
Result: A total of 440 respondents, 76.1% was female. 43.0% of them were studying in grade 12. 65.0% of whom were studying in the science-math program. Most respondents received health care news from internet media and social media channel (74.8%). Most respondents had no underlying disease (82.3%). The biggest group had family income per month in total 20,001-40,000 baht (25.2%). NCDS related knowledge score of participants was 13.77 (SD=3.66). Most participants (40.23%) had a moderate level about NCDs (M=13.95, SD=1.15). Concerning health behavior, their average score was at 42.14 (SD=8.51) and most participants (52.27%) had a moderate level of health behaviors (M=41.3, SD=3.43). The result showed that monthly family income (β =0.181, p<0.001) and NCDs knowledge (β =0.093, p<0.05) were health behavior predictive factors which could predict the health behavior of the sample group statistically significant at18.10% and 9.30% respectively.
Conclusion: Health educational programs should be organized to educate students in grades 10-12 to promote and improve health outcomes in the long run.
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