The caregiving burden in primary caregiver of school-age children with specific learning disabilities


  • Uraiwan Tiengsomboon Faculty of Nursing, Children Nursing, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Caregiving burden, primary caregivers, school-age children, specific learning disabilities


This research is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The objective was to study the emergence of feelings of caregiving burden in primary caregivers of school-age children with specific learning disabilities (SLD). The sample size was determined using Krejci and Morgan tables and stratified random sampling. In order to get a sample of people to be the main caregivers. There are 280 school-age children with SLD under supervision who are studying in grades 1-6 of inclusive schools in Sisaket Primary educational service Area 1-4. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire, including a personal information questionnaire for primary caregivers and school-aged children with SLD and a questionnaire on perceptions of caregiving burden in primary caregivers. The data collection period is December 2022 to March 2023. The statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
           The results of the study found that the majority of primary caregivers were female (73.2%) by related to the child's mother (51.1%) and aged between 40-58 years (52.5%). The Primary caregivers feel a burden in caring for school-age children with SLD. It was at a moderate to severe level (55.85 %) Summary from the research results found that Primary caregivers feel the burden of caring for school-aged children with SLD. It is at a moderate to severe level. Therefore, agencies, health teams or those involved need to be aware of the burden felt by primary caregivers in caring for children with SLD to plan further assistance for families and school-aged children with SLD.


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How to Cite

Tiengsomboon, U. . (2024). The caregiving burden in primary caregiver of school-age children with specific learning disabilities. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 13(1), 29–40. retrieved from

