Development of health promotion model in the prevention of malaria of the personnel of the 23rd Ranger Regiment Task Force in the Thai-Cambodian border


  • Chairat Kulviwat Civil Affairs School Directorate of Civil Affairs
  • Monthicha Raksilp Faculty of Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


Malaria, Thai-Cambodian border, ranger forces


The aims of this action research are to: (1) Study the malaria prevention context of the 23rd Ranger Regiment Task Force. (2) Developed a health promotion model in the prevention of malaria. (3) Study the effectiveness of a health promotion model in the prevention of malaria. Try in 38 ranger of the 23rd Ranger Regiment task forces, 25 healthcare worker and using a health promotion model in prevention of malaria, which the model was consisting of activities (1) education, (2) health promotion model practice, (3) reverse demonstration. This action research using questionnaires, behavioral observation and data is processed using descriptive statistics and paired T-test.

            Results from the analyzed data show that: (1) The context of the 23rd Ranger Regiment Task Force located in Thai-Cambodian border area that to hard to Accessed to Army health system. the ranger not awareness for personal prevention. (2) The development of health promotion model in the prevention of malaria was developed and applied to the ranger forces through education and reverse demonstration by the healthcare worker team (3) The mean score of knowledge, attitude, health prevention behaviour and participation higher than before using the model. Statistically significant at the .05 level.

            In conclusion, this form of health promotion Make ranger forces aware for malaria personal prevention and should continue to be expanded to other units.


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How to Cite

Kulviwat, C. ., & Raksilp, M. . (2024). Development of health promotion model in the prevention of malaria of the personnel of the 23rd Ranger Regiment Task Force in the Thai-Cambodian border. UBRU Journal for Public Health Research, 13(1), 90–98. Retrieved from

