Effects of the health literacy promotion program on health viewing behavior of the elderly type 2 diabetes, Kut Khao Pun District, Ubon Ratchathani Province
Health literacy, behavioral health, elderly, type 2 diabetesAbstract
This quasi-experimental research The objective was to study the effect of health literacy programs on health care behaviors of elderly people with type 2 diabetes who were selected from multiple-stage sampling according to the selection criteria. Aged 60 years and over, both males and females, had blood glucose levels before the last breakfast of 126 mg/dl or more. 60 people were in the experimental and control groups. The tools used were the program to promote health literacy on health care behaviors of the elderly with type 2 diabetes with a content accuracy value of 1.00, and the health literacy assessment and health care behavior assessment for the elderly with type 2 diabetes with confidence values (Cronbach's alpha) of 0.86 and 0.89, respectively. The knowledge test has a confidence value (KR-20) of 0.86, analyzing data using statistics, frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, paired t-test and Independent t-test.
The results of the study showed that: Before the trial, the intervention and control groups had an insufficient overall health literacy average score.(Mean=45.37, S.D.=4.59; Mean=45.36, S.D.=3.81, respectively) After the experiment, the experimental group The average overall health literacy score was good (Mean=79.46, S.D.=6.46), and the control group had an insufficient average score (Mean=45.19, S.D.=4.80). Before the trial, the experimental and control groups had insufficient overall average scores on health behaviors. (Mean=37.23, S.D. = 4.24; Mean=36.06, S.D.=2.27, respectively) After the experiment the intervention group had a good overall average score on health behavior (Mean=57.80, S.D.=3.70). Control group section There is an inadequate overall health behavior average score. (Mean=36.00, S.D.=1.96). After the experiment The intervention group found that the average score of health literacy and behavioral health after the trial was higher than before the trial and statistically significantly higher than the control group at .01
In conclusion, the program can be used to develop health literacy and health care behaviors of the elderly with type 2 diabetes to be well-versed in health and appropriate health care behaviors, as well as to be able to behave as healthier people
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