Stigma in adolescent pregnancy: Nurse’s role

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ดร.รัชดา พ่วงประสงค์
พ.ต.ต.หญิง ดร.ปิยรัตน์ สมันตรัฐ
ชิดชนก สิทธารถศักดิ์


Adolescent pregnancy is one of the major problems in national health system. Since adolescents are dependent with parent, still in school age, and unmarried; therefore, adolescent pregnancy is prejudiced as inappropriate behavior and deviance which contributes to stigma in pregnant adolescents. Adolescent mothers experience with variations in mood changes. As a result of unplanned pregnancy, instability of emotional status leads to maternal confusion between acceptable or unacceptable feelings regarding to their pregnancy. For Thai culture, pregnancy is acceptable if it occurs within the formal marriage. The consequences of stigma have effects on adolescent mothers, their infants, as well as their families. Nurses could take actions in encourage and support those vulnerable people in order to reducing the stigmatization of those adolescent mothers and empower them to achieve their maternal role. By collaborating plan with their spouse, family members or their trusting caregivers could help them and improve their quality of life.

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พ่วงประสงค์ ด., สมันตรัฐ พ. ด., & สิทธารถศักดิ์ ช. (2018). Stigma in adolescent pregnancy: Nurse’s role. Vajira Nursing Journal, 20(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
research article


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