A study of the effects of diabetes education program on HbA1c for patient with type 2 diabetes

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ณัฐภัสสร เดิมขุนทด
นพ.ประสิทธิ์ ลีวัฒนภัทร


This study is retrospective research design to compare outcomes before and after provided education program for three months during January to December, 2014. Purposive sampling of 60 patients with type 2 diabetes who visited at the diabetes center  department, Faculty of Medicine Vajira hospital,Navamindrahiraj University. The diabetes education program composed of diabetes self-care skills, nutrition, medication use, exercise and monitoring foot care were provided for type 2 diabetes patients. Health outcomes data were collected before and after intervention as HbA1C, FBS, body weight, blood pressure, lipid profile, and eGFR. Data analyzed using descriptive statistic and paired t-test.

Most of sample was female was 63.3%. Mean of age and duration of diabetes were 59.95+12.61 years and 16.43+9.09 years respectively. After three months follow up, metabolic parameter such as HbA1C, FBS, body weight, cholesterol, HDL, had improved significantly (p<0.05). However, blood pressure, triglyceride, and eGFR were not difference significantly.

This study demonstrates that diabetes education program has benefit for diabetes controlled and reduce HbA1C after three months and improved other health outcomes. However, the patient need long term care and continuing of diabetes education program and health outcomes evaluation.

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How to Cite
เดิมขุนทด ณ., & ลีวัฒนภัทร น. (2018). A study of the effects of diabetes education program on HbA1c for patient with type 2 diabetes. Vajira Nursing Journal, 19(1), 33–41. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vnj/article/view/138965
research article


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