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พรธรรมรส โพธิ
ดร.จรัสศรี ธีระกุลชัย
ดร.จันทิมา ขนบดี
นพ.พัญญู พันธ์บูรณะ


This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effect of a resistance exercise program on glycemic control of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus class A1. The samples were 50 pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus class A1 who visited an antenatal clinic, and gestational diabetes mellitus clinic, at Ramathibodi Hospital between March to October, 2015. The samples were divided into the control group and the experimental group. Each group consisted of 25 participants. The control group received routine care, while the experimental group received routine care with a resistance exercise program. Data were collected by using personal information questionnaires and blood glucose recording books. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Results of the study showed that the proportion of pregnant women in the experimental group who could control blood glucose level within normal range was significantly higher than pregnant women in the control group (p< .05). Regarding the analytical consequences of this study, it could be summarized that the resistance exercise program could effectively influence the glycemic control in pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus class A1. Therefore, the program should be used as the guidelines of care to control blood sugar for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus class A1.

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โพธิ พ., ธีระกุลชัย ด., ขนบดี ด., & พันธ์บูรณะ น. (2018). THE EFFECT OF A RESISTANCE EXERCISE PROGRAM ON GLYCEMIC CONTROL OF PREGNANT WOMEN WITH GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS CLASS A1. Vajira Nursing Journal, 18(2), 12–24. Retrieved from
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