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ปิยะนุช ชัยสวัสดิ์
ดร.ภิฤดี ภวนานันท์
ดร.สุรชาติ ณ หนองคาย
วิริณธิ์ กิตติพิชัย


This research is a survey research aiming to study the utilization of elderly health services, Tambon Viharn Khao, Amphor Tha-chang, Sing Buri. The sample of this study was 180 Thai nationality elderly aged 60 years and over at Tambon Viharn Khao, Amphor Tha-chang, Sing Buri. This data were analyzed by a statistical package program to find out percentage, median, standard deviation, and chi-square.The results of the study revealed that most of the population was female aged 60-69 years, earned less than 800 Baht. Recognition of the right to health aspect in overall was moderate to more.  They recognized most about the right to home visit. They also recognized that utilization to all kinds of services without any payment was available for them if they were diagnosed to be a chronic disease.  However, they were often unaware to the right to health care services without payment for high cost diseases. They often understood that they were able to register their right to health only in hospitals. In access to health services aspect in overall, the accessibility was moderate (average 3.56). The maximal accessibility was service availability sufficiency (average 3.82) but the minimal accessibility was geographic accessibility (average 3.27).  About utilization to health services, most of them about 68.3 percent decided to do not use their rights if they had sickness because of travel inconveniences.  On the other hand, 31.7 percent of them decided to use their rights because of no payment or less payment (12.2 percent) and convenience as well as doctor requirement.  Their income per month, the right to health, the right awareness and the accessibility to health services were relevant to the utilization of elderly health services as statistical significance at p<0.05.

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How to Cite
ชัยสวัสดิ์ ป., ภวนานันท์ ด., ณ หนองคาย ด., & กิตติพิชัย ว. (2018). UTILIZATION OF ELDERLY HEALTH SERVICES, TAMBON VIHARN KHAO, AMPHOR THA-CHANG, SING BURI. Vajira Nursing Journal, 18(2), 42–50. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vnj/article/view/139183
research article


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