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อภิษฎา พฤฒิวรวงศ์
พรเทพ พัฒนานุรักษ์
สานิต ฤทธิ์มนตรี


This research aimed to compare the children and youth’s personal characteristics with their personal views toward self-esteem and study the relation between real-self and ideal-self with self-esteem of children and youth at Rajvithi Home for Girls. The sample of 162 people was selected using simple random method in Rajvithi. Data were collected using personal factors, real-self, ideal-self, self-esteem and opinion of self-esteem Questionnaires  were used to collect data. Then statistical social science software packages were utilized to analyze the data.

        The results were revealed as follows; the children and youth at Rajvithi Home for Girls have high level of self-esteem, ideal-self and real-self (= 2.93, = 2.62 and = 2.40). According to a comparison between personal characteristics and level of self-esteem, it demonstrates that the children and youth having differences in education and having contacted person hold difference views toward self-esteem statistically significant at the levels of 0.05 and0.01. Moreover, regarding the analysis of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, it demonstrates that real-self and ideal-self are statistically significant related to self-esteem at the levels of 0.05 and 0.01.

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How to Cite
พฤฒิวรวงศ์ อ., พัฒนานุรักษ์ พ., & ฤทธิ์มนตรี ส. (2018). SELF – ESTEEM OF WOMEN AT RAJVITHI HOME FOR GIRLS, BANGKOK. Vajira Nursing Journal, 18(2), 51–62. Retrieved from
research article


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