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ดรัลรัตน์ เชื้อเมืองแสน
ดร.จันทิมา ขนบดี
ดร.จรัสศรี ธีระกุลชัย

Abstract, management program on the frequency and severity of heartburn in pregnant women. A symptom management model of Dodd et al. (2001) was used as the conceptual framework of the study.  The sample consisted of 48 pregnant women who attended a prenatal clinic at Ramathibodi Hospital. They were divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group received the usual care from nursing staff and heartburn management program from the researcher, whereas the control group received only the usual care from nursing staff. Data collection took place during January to May 2015 by using demographic data questionnaire, heartburn experience questionnaire and heartburn recording form. Descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon signed ranks test and Mann-Whitney U Test were used to analyze the data.

Findings of the study revealed that the frequency and the severity of heartburn in the experimental group after finishing the heartburn management program decreased with statistical significance (p<.05). In addition, the frequency and the severity of heartburn in the experimental group were less than those in the control group with statistical significance (p < .05). Based on the results of the study, a heartburn management program could be utilized as the guideline of nursing care plan for pregnant women suffering from heartburn to reduce the frequency and the severity of the symptom. 

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How to Cite
เชื้อเมืองแสน ด., ขนบดี ด., & ธีระกุลชัย ด. (2018). THE EFFECT OF HEARTBURN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ON FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY OF HEARTBURN IN PREGNANT WOMEN. Vajira Nursing Journal, 18(1), 64–78. Retrieved from
research article


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