The Effects of Educational Program with Emotional Support on Uncertainty of Illness in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Before Undergone Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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Worawan Kantichaiton
Natapat Deelertpipatkul
Jintana Saengrujee
Vorachai Kongsaerepong
Kulayot Jongpipatwanit


The study was a quasi-experimental research with one group pretest and posttest design. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of Educational Program with Emotional Support on Uncertainty of Illness in acute coronary syndrome patients before undergoing cardiac catheterization at Faculty of Medicine Vajira hospital Navamindradhiraj University. The reaearch data were collected from December 2018 to April 2019 from 30 patients with acute coronary syndrome. The program was designed based on the knowledge-based framework on uncertainty in illness by Mishel, (1988). The research samples were purposively selected. Two research instruments were used for data collection such as the demographic data of subjects and the questionnaires on uncertainty in illness of acute coronary syndrome patients prior to undergoing cardiac catheterization which was consisted of four aspects : 1) the ambiguity of the illness and treatment ; 2) the complexity of the treatment and the health system ; 3) the lack of the information about the illness and the treatment they receive ; and 4) unpredictability which was consisted of 24 questions. The research data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired t-test.

The findings to the research showed that after intervention of the program, the average score on uncertainty decreased significantly from 3.46 (S.D. = .39) to 1.72 (S.D. = .31) with p-value =.05  Moreover, the findings showed that the educational program with emotional support could decrease the uncertainty in illness acute coronary syndrome patients so that nurses should use this program in caring for patient with acute coronary syndrome who will be undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

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How to Cite
Kantichaiton, W., Deelertpipatkul, N., Saengrujee, J., Kongsaerepong, V., & Jongpipatwanit, K. (2020). The Effects of Educational Program with Emotional Support on Uncertainty of Illness in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients Before Undergone Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(1), 15–32. Retrieved from
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