Nursing roles: paradigm shift in stroke care in the health care system in Thailand

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Pairin Patsadu


Nurses are important personnel to drive healthcare system in Thailand. They perform duties not only as operators but they have to develop nursing science to be updated and suitable with current social changes as well as complexity of diseases, persons and technology to construct specific nursing know-how for healthcare. It is in accordance with a concept of taking care of patients having stroke that at present, it is highly advanced in terms of treatment, disease factors, and access to healthcare system. If the nurses understand and adapt themselves for changing paradigms in every dimension including 4 aspects: individuality, culture, family and community as well as characters lying inside and outside persons, religion, culture, society, policy and economy related to human’s health and processes of alive or dying persons, the roles of nurses in connection with providing care for stroke patients at every level of health service system in Thailand will be successful with decreased occurrences. Furthermore, people will be able to take care of themselves and have better quality of life.

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How to Cite
Patsadu, P. (2020). Nursing roles: paradigm shift in stroke care in the health care system in Thailand. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(1), 60–69. Retrieved from
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