The effect of self-efficacy enhancement program on exercise behavior in older adults with subdural hematoma

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Pinrath Rukhatiwong
Narirat Jitramontree
Virapun Wirojratana


This study was a randomized controlled trial (RCT). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of self-efficacy promoting program for enhancing physical exercise behavior among older adults with subdural hematoma. The sample of this study was 60 older adults with subdural hematoma admitted to the neurosurgery ward, Siriraj hospital. The sample was selected based on the inclusion criteria, then it was randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=30) and the control group (n=30). The experimental group was given a self-efficacy promoting program in addition to standard care, whilst the control group received only standard care. The program was developed based on self - efficacy theory, comprising website for information and video clip for model presentation, exercise form, and telephone follow-up plan. The instrument was a questionnaire consisted of1) general information and illness 2) physical exercise behavior of older adults with subdural hematoma. Data were analyzed by comparing mean scores of physical exercise behavior between the experimental group and the control group using ANCOVA. Mean scores atpre - experimental period were controlled.

The results revealed that the experimental group had higher physical exercise behavior than the control group with a statistical difference (p <.05).

The study suggests that nurses should apply the self-efficacy enhancement program in caring for older adults with subdural hematoma.

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How to Cite
Rukhatiwong, P., Jitramontree, N., & Wirojratana, V. (2020). The effect of self-efficacy enhancement program on exercise behavior in older adults with subdural hematoma. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(1), 33–44. Retrieved from
research article


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