Competencies of Innovation Leader of Head Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals Using the Delphi Technique

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Radathorn Sorntem
Phechnoy Singchungchai
Narumon Pathumarak


The objective of this descriptive research was to identify competencies of innovation leader of head nurses in tertiary hospitals using the Delphi method. The sample consisted of 19 experts who were professional nurses with experiences in nursing administration and innovation. Snowball sampling technique was used to recruit the participants. Three rounds of questionnaires provided two sections : open-ended and 5-point rating scale. The data were analyzed by median and interquartile range.

The study found that competencies of innovation leader achieved consensus among experts with median between 4.00-5.00 and the interquartile range was 0.00. These competencies consisted of 10 core competencies and 58 sub-competencies. They were: 1) Learning skills (8 sub-competencies), 2) Creativity and imagination (5 sub-competencies), 3) Energy and motivation (4 sub-competencies), 4) Commitment and sense of belonging (7 sub-competencies), 5) Vision and missions for innovation (5 sub-competencies), 6) Communication, relationship and emotional intelligence (4 sub-competencies), 7) Group and team leading (7 sub-competencies), 8) Understanding of environmental changes (6 sub-competencies), 9) Innovation policy forming (6 sub-competencies), and (10) Management and delegation (6 sub-competencies).

The study indicates that nurse administrators can use these competencies as a guideline for developing an innovation leader program to prepare head nurses in tertiary hospitals. Developing an assessment tool for competencies of innovation leader is also suggested by this result. 

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How to Cite
Sorntem, R., Singchungchai, P., & Pathumarak, N. (2020). Competencies of Innovation Leader of Head Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals Using the Delphi Technique. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(2), 40–57. Retrieved from
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