Development and Effect of Implementing Nursing Guideline for Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) Patient

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Kittiyaphorn Panvilai
Oranuch Uthaikul
Thamonwan Yodkolkij
Wuttichai Saengprakai


Nursing practice guideline for endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) patient was developed from the evidence base practice. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effect of implementing the nursing practice guideline in 40 nurses, which are sample group. The methods used in this study comprised of nursing practice guideline, questionnaire for implementation of nursing practice guideline, and data analysis using descriptive statistics.

Results: In case of the implementation of nursing practice guideline found that the mean values of appropriate language equal to 4.23±0.81, appropriate time for monitoring equal to 4.26±0.72, appropriate approach for pre-operation care equal to 4.44±0.75, appropriate approach for post-operation care equal to 4.41±0.85, and the ideal in the implementation of nursing practice guideline equal to 4.44±0.75. The registered nurses have agreed with high level score. While the outcome of nursing found that the mean value of completely assessed pre-operation equal to 4.36±0.74 which aided in early detection complication post-operation, cardiovascular event (MI) equal to 4.44±0.75 which aided in early detection complication post-operation. In term of intraabdominal bleeding, acute limb ischemia, spinal cord ischemia, stroke, ischemic bowel, and renal failure, the mean value equal to 4.49±0.76, as well as the mean value of the guideline in comprehensive recording of nursing equal to 4.46±0.79. The registered nurses have agreed with high level score.

Suggestion: The randomized controlled trial (RCT) of the nursing practice guideline should be conducted to evaluate the clinical outcomes regarding the reduction of EVAR surgical complications.

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How to Cite
Panvilai, K., Uthaikul, O., Yodkolkij, T., & Saengprakai, W. (2020). Development and Effect of Implementing Nursing Guideline for Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) Patient. Vajira Nursing Journal, 22(2), 58–70. Retrieved from
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