Health Literacy in Emergency Illness among Clients of Emergency Room at Vajira Hospital

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Pramote Papukdee
Sakul Changmai
Tipa Torskulkao


This descriptive research aims to study the health literacy in emergency illness among clients of emergency room at Vajira Hospital and to compare the health literacy classified by personal data. The sample included 440 patients and their relatives. They were selected by simple random sampling. Research instruments are personal information and health literacy scale questionnaires. The health literacy questionnaire had a content validity index of .81and reliability of .93. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis H Test

The study found that health literacy in emergency illness of the clients was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that ‘access to health information’ and ‘health information interpretation and evaluation’ were at very high level. The understanding of health information was at a high level. Applications of health information were at a moderate level. However, the application of health information items scores were low to moderate, specifically in first aid to help people with seizures, people with symptoms of a stroke, and transfer the patient by private car and Universal Coverage for Emergency Patients (UCEP). The results of the comparison of health literacy scores classified by personal data showed that the health literacy scores for emergency illness differed among relatives and patients, people with and without training experience groups, educational level, occupation and income with the statistical significance at .05 level. It is recommended that nurses should consider the findings to improve health literacy of people while emphasizing on the low score of health literacy items.

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How to Cite
Papukdee, P., Changmai, S., & Torskulkao, T. (2021). Health Literacy in Emergency Illness among Clients of Emergency Room at Vajira Hospital. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
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