Relationship between severe symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever and patients with obesity

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kongkaew younboonhlim
Panjit Phothong
Waraporn Somwong
Jittima Kunsombat
Supaluk Sroikum


Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is caused by a mosquito (Aedes aegypti) that is infected with the dengue virus. Additionally, obesity was found in patients with DHF. It is one of the primary causes of complications, coupled with prolonged shock episodes, which can lead to more complications such as acute respiratory failure. Caused by the patient's chest poorly expand and the presence of large amounts of abdominal fat. When there is a lot of fluid in the abdomen, the pressure in the abdomen increases until it presses the blood vessels in the abdomen lead to decreased blood flow to the organs in the abdomen (Abdominal compartment syndrome), and found that fatty liver is at risk of developing acute hepatic encephalopathy. Moreover, obese patients with dengue had a greater risk of developing acute renal failure than non-obese patients because there is a lot of fat in the abdomen that reduces the intracranial capacity. When there is fluid in the abdomen, the blood supply to the kidneys decreases. Therefore, patients with DHF who are obese should receive medical attention more closely to prevent complications. Including the ability to care for the patient precisely and effectively increase the survival rate.

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How to Cite
younboonhlim, kongkaew, Phothong, P., Somwong, W., Kunsombat, J., & Sroikum, S. (2021). Relationship between severe symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever and patients with obesity. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 67–74. Retrieved from
Review article


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