The Effects of Low Sodium, DASH Dietary Pattern Education and Applying Theory of Planned Behavior on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertension Patients

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Chawisa Lerdmongkhonterakool
Patiporn Bunyaphatkun
Anusang Chitsomkasem


This study was a Quasi - experimental research conducting with pretest and posttest interventions. The objectives of this study were to compare the blood pressure level, attitude, subjective norm, self-efficacy, and dietary control behaviours according to the DASH guidelines integrative with the theory of planned behavior. Pre and post measurements were obtained to evaluate the outcomes of the study.

This research was composed of 75 hypertensive patients aged 20 years and over and being a patient at the cardiovascular unit, Faculty of Medicine -Vajira Hospital. The participants of the study were joined with DASH programme using social media application-Line group for facilitating and sharing experiences and information. The DASH program was advised the dietary control and the consumption of sodium intake guidelines applying with planned behaviour theory (Ajzen’ 1991). The research framework and plan combined with 5 activities including: 1) Promote the attitude for DASH dietary control, 2) Create subjective norm of the study group, 3) Encourage of self-efficacy, 4) Promote health dietary control behaviours, and 5) Evaluate the outcomes of the programs and activities. The documents and video media of DASH guidelines were used to control blood pressure of the patients in this study. The data were collected by using a questionnaire which was developed from the reviewed literature relating to the research framework of planned behaviours theory. This research was evaluated daily over 3 weeks of the study.

Research results: This study found that the reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure was significantly decreased after participating for 3 weeks intervention (p-value < 0.001). Social media application - Line group and video conference platforms were significantly beneficial to improve the participants health behaviors and outcomes. Learning by sharing experiences within the group and continuous follow - up by the facilitator were the keys to success in this programme.

Research recommendations: the DASH dietary programme for 3 weeks is effective in controlling blood pressure. However, a medium and long-term programme should be conducted to evaluate health behaviours. Integrating of social media applications that related to the patients’ lifestyle would be beneficial to promote the sustainability of DASH programmes and improve patient quality of life.

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How to Cite
Lerdmongkhonterakool, C., Bunyaphatkun, P., & Chitsomkasem, A. (2021). The Effects of Low Sodium, DASH Dietary Pattern Education and Applying Theory of Planned Behavior on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertension Patients. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 31–45. Retrieved from
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