Development of Job Model for Phetcharat 12 B Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital Navamindradhiraj University

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Monticha Vilaikit


The purposes of this research were to study the results of the development of a job delivery model, comparing job satisfaction of registered nurses and customers satisfaction towards quality in Phetcharat 12B ward, Vajira Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University. The study was conducted during March 2020 to November 2020. The sample group was selected in a specific way; including 1) 20 professional nurses working in Phetcharat 12B ward with at least 1-year experience in nursing practice. 2) 40 patients admitted in Phetcharat 12B ward. It was 40 patients who were admitted prior to using the developed assignment and were the patients who were admitted after using the developed assignments with age-matched and similar disease matching for the patients. 3) Medical records of patients admitted in Phetcharat 12B ward, randomized, treated patient medical records were used for pre and post development comparations of 30 copies. The instrument used in the experiment was a combination assignment model consisting of a handbook and a task assignment model in the study. Phetcharat 12B ward, where the researcher and staff in the organization jointly developed and modify the tools used for data collection, namely 1) the job satisfaction questionnaire of professional nurses. 2) The user opinion questionnaire on service quality. 3) Nursing record evaluation form. 4) Incidence of drug discrepancy report form.

The research findings were as follows:

1) Job satisfaction of registered nurses after the assign more mixed tasks than before development in all aspects, both the nature of the work, the freedom of the work and in the relationship with the associates were statistically significant at the .05 2)The customer satisfaction of nursing service quality after the development of integrated assignment was significantly more statistically significant than before the development in all areas at the .05 3) The completeness of nursing records after the development of the assignment model was significantly higher than before the development at the .05 4) The administration error before and after the development of assignment was not different.

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How to Cite
Vilaikit, M. (2021). Development of Job Model for Phetcharat 12 B Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital Navamindradhiraj University. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 46–57. Retrieved from
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