Development and Evaluation of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Pressure Injury Prevention Among Medical Patients. Vajira Hospital

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Kukwan Maleewong


Pressure injury are 10 percent of the common health problems. When pressure Sores develop patients in hospital, it affects the patient who suffers from wounds and potentially infections. And also affect the increased nursing care and failure to prevent pressure injury leads to legal action. Indicate the quality of nursing that is not up to standard this study aimed to develop and evaluate the nursing practice guideline for the prevention of pressure ulcers for internal patients admitted to Vajira Hospital. Divided into 3 phases: Phase 1, Development of Nursing Practice Evidence of empirical evidence was collected for the reliability and feasibility. Phase II, Quality assessment and draft nursing practice guideline. Phase III, were applied to a sample of 34 nursing practice guidelines.

The results of the research were as follows: The developed nursing practice consists of 6 categories: 1) risk assessment 2) pressure prevention. Friction and shear 3) Nutritional care 4) Skin care 5) Educating staff and caregivers and 6) Environmental management. Results of an assessment of the ability of nurses to apply nursing practices have a very good score of satisfaction. And clinical evaluation found that 100% of patients did not develop Pressure ulcers. The results of this study show that the developed nursing practice is suitable for the prevention of Bedsores in patients with internal medicine. Who were admitted to Vajira Hospital and should be continually developed to enhance the quality of sustainable patient care.

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How to Cite
Maleewong, K. (2021). Development and Evaluation of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for Pressure Injury Prevention Among Medical Patients. Vajira Hospital. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 15–30. Retrieved from
research article


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