Effect of an Integrated Program for Disaster Management and Mass Casualty Incident on Capacity of Enlisted Soldiers: A Case Study of the 21st Military Circle in Nakhon Ratchasima

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Weerayut Muenboonme
Pachanut Nunthaitaweekul
Patiporn Bunyaphatkun


This study used a quasi-experimental research design through One-group Pretest-Posttest Design. The objectives of this study were to investigate capacity of enlisted soldiers after implementing an integrated program for disaster management and mass causality incident and to compare their capacity between pre-implementation and post-implementation of an integrated program for disaster management and mass causality incident. The sample was 40 enlisted soldiers of the 21st Military Circle in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The research tools consisted of 1) Questionnaire on personal information, 2) Assessment form for capacity of enlisted soldiers, 3) The integrated program for disaster management and mass causality incident, and 4) Pre-test and Post-test. The results of the research could be concluded as follows: 1) A mean score of capacity of enlisted soldiers after implementing an integrated program was higher than a mean score at pre-implementation with a statistical significance level of .05. Capacity score of enlisted soldiers at post-implementation was at a high level.
2) A mean score of capacity of enlisted soldiers before implementing an integrated program was 25.15, which was at a low level. A mean score at post-implementation was 45.08, which was at a high level. When mean score of capacity at post-implementation was higher than that at pre-implementation with a statistical significance level of .05. The findings implied that the developed integrated program could enhance capacity of enlisted soldiers as reflected bya mean score of capacity at post-implementation was higher than before.

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How to Cite
Muenboonme, W., Nunthaitaweekul, P., & Bunyaphatkun, P. (2022). Effect of an Integrated Program for Disaster Management and Mass Casualty Incident on Capacity of Enlisted Soldiers: A Case Study of the 21st Military Circle in Nakhon Ratchasima. Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(2), 16–26. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vnj/article/view/250369
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