Community nurse role of care in Stroke patients with stress and anxiety

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Titima Tungpimoljit


Stroke is a major global public health problem. Due to stroke patients with disabilities the ability to help themselves decreases. Stroke patients are also at risk of complications such as pneumonia, pressure injury, urinary tract infections. Resulting in stress patients and worried therefore, nurses are important persons in caring for patients at home with the nursing process. By focusing on holistic care, both physical, mental, social and spiritual by creating a relationship with the patient for trust assessment of patient anxiety Analysis of problems that cause anxiety and plan to resolve the concerns that arise which requires the use of nursing process to be deployed appropriately requires communication skills listening intently providing knowledge about diseases and correct behaviors promotion of self-care power of patients encouragement in the face of problems both for patients and caregivers with care goals to relieve anxiety and reduce stress to patients

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How to Cite
Tungpimoljit, T. (2021). Community nurse role of care in Stroke patients with stress and anxiety. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(1), 75–83. Retrieved from
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