The Study among Risk of Falls, Fear of Falls and Managements of Prevention for Falls in Client of Geriatric Clinic

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Surinrat Baurangthienthong
Orathai Yindee


Falls are a major public health problem worldwide. A result, the older adults are injured, disabilities. and subsequent death. This descriptive research aimed to study the risk of falls, fear of falls and managements of prevention for falls in client of geriatric clinic, Klang hospital. A total of 165 older adult who met inclusion criteria. After the participants signed the consent form, they were interviewed, using the Demographic data - Questionnaire, Falls Risk Assessment tool, The Thai Falls Efficacy Scale-International: Thai FES-I andAssessment and Prevention of Falls Guidelines, test Cronbach's alpha coefficient is .76. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic.   

Results revealed that the majority of participants had a moderate level risk of fall 57.0%, high level fear of fall 50.3% and the most fearful of falling activities, this was to walk on slippery ground (= 2.03, SD = 0.9), and most of the older adults had a fall prevention model was the environmental management 87.3%, but the most common form of fall prevention is to exercise regularly strengthen muscles and bones 21.2%. Recommendations from this research of fall management model can be developed to be suitable for the older adults who are admitted to the clinic and community nursing to prevent falls among the older adults in the community.

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How to Cite
Baurangthienthong, S., & Yindee, O. (2021). The Study among Risk of Falls, Fear of Falls and Managements of Prevention for Falls in Client of Geriatric Clinic. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(2), 30–43. Retrieved from
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