The effectiveness of program for promoting caring behaviors among caregivers of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

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Pradtana Kantorn
Kaysorn Sumpowthong


This quasi-experimental research aims to study the effectiveness of the program for promoting caring behaviors among the caregivers of the cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy. The developed program was based on the Perceived Self-Efficacy and the SocialSupport theories. Forty-two caregivers of cancer patients in the Chemotherapy unit, were selected as the research samples. The samples were divided into 2 groups; an experimental group and a control group with 21 caregivers in each. The quantitative data were collected with a set of questionnaires before and after the experiment. The results revealed that the experimental group significantly had the higher behavioral score after the treatment of the program at 2 weeks and 4 weeks (p<.001). Prior to the experiment, the experimental group had a higher mean of behavioral score than the control group at 15.67 points (95% CI 13.29-18.05, p<0.001). After the four-week program, the experimental group had a higher mean of behavioral score than the control group at 15.06 points (95% CI 12.98 - 17.14, p<0.001). Comprehensively, the experimental group had a higher behavioral score than the control group at 15.37 points (95% CI 13.53-17.20, p<0.001). According to the above findings, the program for promoting caring behaviors among caregivers, based on the Perceived Self-Efficacy and Social Support theories, had effectively promoted better care behaviors for the caregivers of the cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy. Consequently, the program should be promoted among the caregivers of the cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy, especially for those who are receiving chemotherapy for the first time.

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How to Cite
Kantorn, P., & Sumpowthong, K. (2021). The effectiveness of program for promoting caring behaviors among caregivers of cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Vajira Nursing Journal, 23(2), 14–29. Retrieved from
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