Development of Modified Early Warning Score Model of Patient Symptoms for Rehabilitation in Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Instutute

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Radiwan Kittichaised
Sumalee Swangsukskul
Suparat Yospumee


This Research and Development study was conducted to develop a surveillance model of patient symptoms for rehabilitation in Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, as well as to study its effects on the incidence of the clinical worsening, resuscitation and death resulted from improper surveillance by using the newly developed model. Data were collected from 172 patients aged 18 years old and above, who were admitted in the rehabilitation ward between October 2019 and September 2020, and analyzed by statistical methods.  Study results showed that when adopting a developed surveillance model of patient symptoms for rehabilitation to use with the sample group, which was comprised of professional nurses and patients who were receiving rehabilitation, it was found that this surveillance model contributed to the clinical stability for most patients throughout the rehabilitation program, with only 1.74% of the sample group experienced worsening symptoms during the surveillance. However, there was no resuscitation needed or any death reported. Regarding the opinions of the professional nurses who were in charge of the patient care, most of them rated the satisfaction towards this model as good to very good, as it provided aids in making decision for assessing the assistance level for each patient. The recommendation from this study suggested that a long-term study should be conducted and compared with the co-diagnosis group. This would be able to build reliability for further analysis and guideline development to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of patient care.

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How to Cite
Kittichaised, R., Swangsukskul, S., & Yospumee, S. . (2022). Development of Modified Early Warning Score Model of Patient Symptoms for Rehabilitation in Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Instutute. Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(1), 25–40. Retrieved from
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