Knowledge, Attitude, Nutritional Promotion Behavior of Caregivers and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children

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Wipakon Sonsnam
Wiwan Lamontien
Chudapa Permwongk
Mayuree Kamolabutra


Objective: Aim to study knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, nutrition enhancement of caregivers and the level of nutritional status of preschool children  Methods: This is an exploratory research study. The samples were caregivers of 100 pre-school children and 100 pre-school children. The simple random sampling used to selecting the source of data collection and sampling caregivers of preschoolers and preschoolers by voluntary. The tools used to collect information on nutritional status include: weighing scale height bar Growth graph according to age criteria of the Ministry of Health As for general information, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in promoting nutrition of preschool children of parents or caregivers of preschool children, data were collected using a questionnaire created by the research team consisting of 4 parts, which is a Rating Scale, which passed To determine the content integrity, IOC values ​​and 30 textile machines were tested with Cronbach's α-Coefficient of 0.861.  Results: Found that 56% of the caregivers of preschool children were mothers, followed by others. 22% were grandmothers, grandmothers, relatives, etc. Most of the caregivers, 88%, had a very good level of knowledge about food supplementation for preschoolers. 12% had an attitude level on the promotion of food consumption for preschool children at a very good level, mostly accounted for 87%, followed by good level accounted for 13%. In addition, most 86% had behaviors to promote food consumption at a very good level. followed by good level, accounting for 14%, nutritional status of preschool children. Most of them, 52%, were in the proportional level. followed by skinny accounted for 28%  Conclusions: The caregivers of preschool children had knowledge, attitudes and behaviors to promote food consumption among children. The preschool age in their care was at a good to very good level. The nutritional status of preschoolers was mostly in proportion, followed by skinny, but also found that the group became obese, obese and overweight in descending order. Therefore, the researcher sees the importance of this study because solving problems or developing preschool children who will grow up to be an important resource of the country. They are a group that is dependent and unable to take care of themselves.

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How to Cite
Sonsnam, W., Lamontien, W., Permwongk, C., & Kamolabutra, M. (2022). Knowledge, Attitude, Nutritional Promotion Behavior of Caregivers and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children. Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(1), 67–74. Retrieved from
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