The role of nurses in promoting nutritional status in chronic renal failure patients with wound

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Apinya Kramon
Pornlikhit Kongfay
Panchita Thamsug
Waraporn Sangkum
Supaporn Kunrad
Nischanat Horthiwong
Sukanya Panyakom


Nutritional Care in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease with Wounds is of Paramount Importance. Wounds are a significant factor that can lead to disability or increased mortality in patients. There are several factors that help reduce the risks of these conditions, and nutrition in chronic kidney disease patients is a promoting factor in wound healing. The vital role of the kidneys is to maintain the balance of fluids and substances in the body consistently. A well-balanced diet aids in faster wound healing. Nurses are healthcare professionals who can provide knowledge and understanding to patients regarding the principles of nutrition that promote wound healing. This article aims to present the role of nurses in implementing nutrition principles that enhance wound healing in patients with chronic kidney disease, which can result in improved patient health and effective healthcare team management.

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How to Cite
Kramon, A., Kongfay, P., Thamsug, P., Sangkum, W., Kunrad, S., Horthiwong, N., & Panyakom , S. (2023). The role of nurses in promoting nutritional status in chronic renal failure patients with wound. Vajira Nursing Journal, 25(1), 80–92. Retrieved from
Review article


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