Development of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for the Patients under Investigation and/or infected with COVID-19 (Acute Respiratory Infection Room: ARI)

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Jariya Chuensirimongkol
Lertsilapa Iemphong


This research and development study aimed to develop and evaluate a clinical nursing practice guideline for the patients under investigation and/or Infected with Coronavirus 2019 in acute respiratory infection outpatient department (OPD ARI) at the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital Navamindradhiraj University. The samples were ten registered nurses who worked in the acute respiratory infection outpatient department for at least two months and worked at least twenty shifts per month. The research tools were comprised of 1) a focus group questionnaire on the current situation and problem, 2) a developed clinical nursing practice guideline in OPD ARI and 3) a feasibility assessment form of the developed clinical nursing practice guideline in OPD ARI. The index of item objective congruence was 1.00
The results showed that clinical nursing practice guideline for the patients under investigation and/or infected with Coronavirus 2019 in acute respiratory infection outpatient department at the Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital Navamindradhiraj University consisted of three nurse responsibilities stations: 1) screening, 2) registration and 3) preparing a nasal swab. The role was divided into six areas as follows: 1) screening, 2) prevention of the spread of infections,
3) role assignments for staff members/healthcare providers, 4) preparation of location, environment, and equipment 5) registration and 6) supporting for COVID 19 testing. The results of implementing a clinical nursing practice guideline in OPD ARI reveal that 1) the possibility of using a clinical nursing practice guideline in OPD ARI was high (  = 2.48, SD = 0.25), 2) the incidence of respiratory tract infections in nursing staff was not found. The conclusion: It can be further used as a clinical nursing practice guideline in OPD ARI to prevent COVID-19 infection.

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How to Cite
Chuensirimongkol, J., & Iemphong, L. (2022). Development of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline for the Patients under Investigation and/or infected with COVID-19 (Acute Respiratory Infection Room: ARI). Vajira Nursing Journal, 24(2), 27–38. Retrieved from
research article


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