A Study Of Activity Based Costing Of Nursing Care Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy Patients

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Ampa Jitkui
Somjai Cheepsuk
Parichad Jansoontraporn
Arthit Kaewnopharat


This descriptive study aimed to explore the patients with DR operative retina nursing activity based costing. The activity-based costing (ABC) concept was used. The sample groups patients with DR operative retina 28 patients and 15 nursing personnel in the internal mahavajiravudh 6B ward of Vajira Hospital. Collected data by observing and recording the time of nursing activities. The data were collected during October, 2020 – February, 2023. The measurements were 1) a form for recording the patient’ s general information 2) the nursing activities for patients with DR operative retina 3) an activity time observation form 4) the summarized time spent in providing services 5) the nursing personal’s general information. The content validity index of all instruments was 0.83. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in terms of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of study revealed that the total cost of nursing service activities for 28 patients with DR operative retina from admission until discharge from the hospital was 103,011.36 baht, averaging per case 3,678.97 baht. The cost of key nursing service activities were divided into 4 groups, which the cost of patients with postoperative care was the highest, averaging per case 1,363.20 baht, followed by the cost of preoperative, averaging per case 1,241.80 baht, discharge planning, averaging per case 559.28 baht and the average cost of admission care was averaging per case 514.68 baht. The highest time of nursing activities was nursing care patients with preoperative, averaging per case 85.17 minutes. It is suggested that nursing administrator should use this result to manage resource cost of department in order to cost effectiveness and patients safety.

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How to Cite
Jitkui, A., Cheepsuk, S., Jansoontraporn, P., & Kaewnopharat, A. (2023). A Study Of Activity Based Costing Of Nursing Care Patients With Diabetic Retinopathy Patients. Vajira Nursing Journal, 25(2), 40–53. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vnj/article/view/265723
research article


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