The Effect of Developing a Nursing Service Model for High Alert Drug Administration at Surgical Unit, Suratthani Hospital

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Prapawadee Tonsook


This research investigates the effect of developing a nursing service model for High Alert Drug Administration in the surgical unit at Suratthani Hospital. The objectives are to enhance the nursing service model for High Alert Drug Administration among registered nurses in the surgical unit at Suratthani Hospital and to assess the effectiveness of the nursing service model for High Alert Drug Administration among registered nurses in the surgical unit at Suratthani Hospital in terms of knowledge, concordant practice with the High Alert Drug Administration model, the number of medication errors resulting from High Alert Drug Administration, and the satisfaction of participating registered nurses. This quasi experimental research adopts a one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample comprises 60 nurses working in the surgical unit at Suratthani Hospital. The research instruments include guidelines for High Alert Drug administration, a manual for High Alert Drug administration, a questionnaire about knowledge on High Alert Drug Administration, a monitoring and follow-up record for High Alert Drug Administration, an assessment form for adherence to the High Alert Drug Administration model, and a satisfaction evaluation form for using the High Alert Drug Administration model. Data analysis includes descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations) and paired t-test statistics.

The research results indicate that the average knowledge score significantly increased after receiving knowledge about High Alert Drug Administration compared to before receiving such knowledge (p<0.05). The 97.2% of the sample group concordant practice with the High Alert Drug Administration model. No incidence of medication errors from High Alert Drug Administration was found and satisfaction levels at 86.8% at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Tonsook, P. (2023). The Effect of Developing a Nursing Service Model for High Alert Drug Administration at Surgical Unit, Suratthani Hospital. Vajira Nursing Journal, 25(2), 67–82. Retrieved from
research article


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