Factors Related to Stress among Nursing Personnel under Quarantine during COVID-19 Pandemic

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Phichayaphorn Phutsang
nitaya Nimnaun
Wasana Lavin
Suchira Chaiviboontham


This descriptive study aimed at examining relationships among influencing factors and stress among 85 nursing personnel under quarantined at the quarantine ward, Ramathibodi Chakri Naruebodindra Hospital. The subjects were recruited by purposive sampling. Data were collected using 4 questionnaires including 1) personal information questionnaire 2) questionnaire on perception of the severity of COVID-19 disease 3) questionnaire on social support 4) stress assessment questionnaire. Data were analyzed using statistics : frequency, percentage, mean, mode, and standard deviation. Pearson's product-moment correlation statistics was used to the linear relationship between the variables.

The results of the study found that the mean score of perceived severity of COVID-19 disease was at high level (Mean=18.96, SD=2.58), the social support was at moderate level (Mean=36.01, SD=6.74), while the stress was at low level (Mean=4.21, SD=3.33). With regard to relationships, perceived severity of COVID-19 disease has no relationship with stress, while social support has a statistically significant negative relationship with stress (r=-.248*, p=.022). The findings from this research provide basic knowledge for evaluating and managing these factors relate to stressful situations. Intensive social support should be provided, particularly to healthcare providers, during the emerging diseases outbreak.

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How to Cite
Phutsang , P., Nimnaun, nitaya, Lavin, W., & Chaiviboontham, S. (2024). Factors Related to Stress among Nursing Personnel under Quarantine during COVID-19 Pandemic. Vajira Nursing Journal, 26(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://he02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/vnj/article/view/266629
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