Baduan Jin: Exercise for Older Adults

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Pongsak Dharmakulsakti
Chayanon Chailert
Suphattra Chairangka


Baduan Jin exercise was a model of Qigong exercise that a long history and evolution. Suitable for the older adults as the steps were few and easy to understand. Baduan Jin exercise model was useful in helped to strengthen muscles, increases balance ability, could prevent fall in the older adults and improve cardiovascular fitness. In addition, it helps relieve stress and anxiety improves the mental health of the older adults. This article aim was to present Ba duan Jin exercises for the older adults to slow down the deterioration that would occur and was one way to promote appropriate exercise for the older adults. Make the older adults had strong physical health and a good quality of life.

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How to Cite
Dharmakulsakti, P., Chailert, C., & Chairangka, S. (2024). Baduan Jin: Exercise for Older Adults. Vajira Nursing Journal, 26(1), 71–80. Retrieved from
Review article


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