Cost Analysis Results of Surgical Procedure Operative Phase for Total Knee Arthroplasty in Premium Case of Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University

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Punjalux Natetaweewat


The objectives of this study. To analyze the cost of surgical procedure operative phase for Total Knee Arthroplasty in Premium case of Faculty of Medical Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University The study model was a descriptive method while the population were numbers of patients who received TKA surgery in Premium at floor 6th Surgical Building between January 1, 2019 untill December 31, 2020. The study instruments were The Costs record forms for TKA surgical procedure operative phase activities in Premium case., and the Interview record form interviewed by the specified orthopedic operative nurses performing TKA Premium cases for timing spent during TKA surgical activities i.e. preoperative phase, intraoperative phase, and postoperative phase in Premium cases.

The results of the study revealed that TKA surgical procedure operative phase in Premium cases had an average cost per operation of 15,151 Baht, compared to the actual rate charged to patient at 12,000 Baht. The costs portioned from the highest to lowest were Materials cost 7,937 Baht (equivalent to 52.39%), development cost 3,030 Baht (20%), depreciation cost 2,164 Baht (14.28%), and administrative cost 2,020 Baht (13.33%) respectively. When classifying the average cost according to the nursing procedure operative phase, it was found that the cost proportion of the surgical period had the highest cost of 14,021 Baht (92.5%), followed by the postoperative period at 672 Baht (4.4%), and the preoperative period had a cost of 458 Baht. (3.0%)

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How to Cite
Natetaweewat, P. (2024). Cost Analysis Results of Surgical Procedure Operative Phase for Total Knee Arthroplasty in Premium Case of Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University. Vajira Nursing Journal, 26(1), 41–55. Retrieved from
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