Nurse’s role in caring for patients with common bile duct stones disease post Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: case study

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Suphattra Chairangka
Laddawan Srisantaw
Siraporn Pinwihok


Common bile duct stones, typically encountered in urban societies, present a significant healthcare challenge. The diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to common bile duct stones are varied. Among the contemporary modalities, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has seen increasing use. Post-ERCP, patients are at risk of developing complications such as pancreatitis, bowel perforation, and infections. Nurses must have knowledge and skills to assess and manage early post-ERCP complications, thus preventing severe adverse outcomes. In this academic article, the authors use the case study to investigate
the manifestations, diagnosis, and endoscopic treatment of bile duct stones and pancreas, as well as focus on effective nursing interventions in the post-procedure. The objective is to provide guidelines for monitoring complications, enabling effective care for patients upon their return to the ward after undergoing procedures. The goal is to ensure patient safety.

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How to Cite
Chairangka, S., Srisantaw, L., & Pinwihok, S. (2024). Nurse’s role in caring for patients with common bile duct stones disease post Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: case study. Vajira Nursing Journal, 26(1), 81–92. Retrieved from
Review article


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