The Effect of a Pain Management Program on Alleviating Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section

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Jeerapan Chaiya
Supawan Jaiboon
Jariyaporn Srisawang


This study is quasi-experimental research comparing pain scores, opioid consumption, and time to first ambulation after cesarean section between mothers who received a pain management program and those who received standard nursing care. The sample consisted of postpartum mothers who underwent cesarean section and were treated at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Ward of Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province. The sample was selected specifically according to inclusion criteria; the total sample size was 36 participants, divided into two groups with 18 participants per group. The research tools included 1) a pain management program, 2) a postpartum pain assessment form 3) an opioid consumption record
and 4) a record of the first-time mobilization post-cesarean section. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the linear mixed-effects model.

The study found that within 24 hours postoperative, the experimental group had a lower mean pain score than the control group, with a mean difference of -0.44 points (95%CI: -1.23, 0.34), which was not statistically significant (p-value = 0.266). The experimental group consumed opioids less than the control group, with statistically significant results (p-value <0.001). The experimental group also had a time to first ambulation after cesarean section less than the control group, with a statistically significant (p-value <0.001).

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How to Cite
Chaiya, J., Jaiboon, S., & Srisawang, J. (2024). The Effect of a Pain Management Program on Alleviating Pain in Women Undergoing Cesarean Section. Vajira Nursing Journal, 26(1), 56–70. Retrieved from
research article


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