The Health-related Sustainable Development Goals in Asia: Cluster, Factor, and Multiple Regression Analysis


  • Suchatsoonthorn C, Sealim S


Ranking and rating, Cluster and factor analysis, Multiple regression analysis, The health-related sustainable development goals, Asia


Background: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is used for the country development framework in the worldwide and for targeting of Thailand to be the one third in health development of Asia, life expectancy at birth (LE) and healthy life expectancy at birth (HALE) not less than 85 and 75 years in 2036 respectively under the TwentyYear National Strategic Plan for Public Health (2017-2036).

Objective: to study the health-related SDGs and overall health status of Thailand and Asia.

Method: This study was cross- sectional descriptive study from secondary data of the health-related SDGs in 43 indicators, 9 goals including 4 life expectancy and health expenditure indicators in 47 countries of Asia in WHO’ world health statistic report 2019 by ranking and rating, clustering, factor and multiple regression analysis.

Result: 1) Thailand was in top third 16 indicators (42.1%). For Thai’s HALE was 66.8 years in top third higher than average mean of Asia, LE was 75.5 years and current health expenditure per capita was 222 US$ in the middle third, while current health expenditure was 3.7% of GDP in the bottom third. 2) The clustering into 3 groups of 27 indicators, Thailand was in the moderate development level of the health-related SDGs consisted of 21 countries (44.7%). 3) The factor and multiple regression analysis, the results were as follows: the health-related analyzed to be 7 factors. In particular, the obtained factors were accounted for 75.7 percentage of the health-related SDGs which predicted to LE and HALE at 86.8 and 88.1 percentage respectively.

Conclusion: This study could indicate the development status and make use of revising and inspecting, priority setting, prediction and integration with multi-transdisciplinary for the health and national development to meet the targeting efficiently. So, it needs to be developed as the tools of monitoring and evaluation system, and planning specifically and continuously.


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How to Cite

Suchatsoonthorn C, Sealim S. The Health-related Sustainable Development Goals in Asia: Cluster, Factor, and Multiple Regression Analysis. J DMS [internet]. 2020 Sep. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];45(2):107-19. available from:



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